Video by ZW Productions
Our Impact
Enhancing the Educational Experience
Custer Baker Intermediate School teacher Amanda Ray shares about her grant, The Pennant Project, funded by the Franklin Education Foundation. Our grants are given to Franklin Community Schools’ teachers for educational programs and projects which meet our mission.
Join Us for Our 7th Annual Bunco Night
Wednesday, September 18
Franklin Elk’s Lodge #1818 (upstairs)
Registration Open: 5:30 p.m.
Bunco Play: 6:30 p.m.
Title Sponsors
Fairway Independent Mortgage Company (Team Turley, Deb Turley)
Carpenter Realtors (Deb Brown-Nally)
Additional Sponsors
Chicago's Pizza, Franklin
The Franklin Elk's Lodge
This event has been approved by the Indiana Gaming Commission.
Help Pay for a Child's Meals
Lunch Angel Fund
Your support can help students at Franklin Community Schools reduce their outstanding meal balances. The Franklin Education Connection makes it possible to donate securely online.
Help Make Food Available
Cub Pantry Fund
In partnership with Gleaners Food Bank, you can support a school-based choice food pantry serving all FCS employees, students and their families.
Get Support
for Innovative, Creative, Proven Education
We provide financial assistance to programs and projects that meet our mission in Franklin Community Schools.